In a tweet: LUX decisions & consequences. Baby given up for adoption returns. Her birth parents deal w/fallout while becoming a fam. Tues 9/8c on CW.
I know you are all in shock I didn’t choose to highlight the all-new Glee episode tonight at 8/7c on FOX. I like to switch it up on y’all and I think this is a sweet show that is scratching my Gilmore Girls/WB circa 1999 itch. Again I must say that this is not a substitution for watching the show but I want you guys to get this program on your radar. So stop reading if you don’t want spoilers.
I am serious.
15 years ago goody-two shoes nerd Cate did the unexpected with the captain of the football team Baz in the back of his van. She got pregnant and decided that she would give the baby up for adoption so that the baby would have a better life. After being born and being placed for adoption it was discovered that the baby had a heart defect that would need several surgeries to correct. Even with all of these health problems the nurses felt she had a light about her so she was named Lux (aka Light in German). It turns out that Lux was never adopted and grew up in foster care. Sick of it, she decides to get her birth parents to sign her emancipation papers. We find out that Baz still thinks he is in college. He owns a bar (well his Dad does) and he lives above it with two of his buddies. Cate on the other hand became a “commitment-a-phobe” and a relationship radio talk show host. The thing is that Cate isn’t a complete commitment-a-phobe. She is secretly dating and becomes engaged to her co-host Ryan. A judge decides that the best thing for Lux is for her birth parents to have joint custody.
Flashing forward. Cate marries Ryan even though she has developed feelings for Baz and the two shared a one-night stand. Lux is adapting to two different worlds: her old life as a foster kid with a stereotypical punk boyfriend named Bug and her new family life that includes school and potential love interest with the most popular guy in school. That’s all you need to know but to recap catch the show on iTunes or Netflix.