So Monday was filled with the usual perils and obstacles of dealing with a baby. After her victory round versus the car seat the baby has been acting like a baby (gassy and in need of changing). We did manage to get out to the beach again for a quick little jaunt to grab some café and banana bread. Besides that it was just baby getting on a schedule and trying to do some work from the couch.
Tuesday was Manny’s day out. While her Royal Highness Princess Iris the first took the other royal princess to show and tell at both Iris’ and Troy’s offices I was discharged into 1987 via the Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb. Now, I’m not one for tourist attractions (Yes, I am) but I must say this is one of the most enjoyable things I have done in a long time. I am a wee bit nerdy but I love hearing historical tours on things and how they came to be. This one came with the added bonus of walking the bridge and going to the top of it.
The tour starts with a brief safety demonstration and then you go into a room where you get sized up for a suit. These jumpsuits were not only mandatory, but they also come with passes to meet and greet with Dale Jr and Danica after the climb. Before you are allowed on the real bridge, they strap you up in gear and then make you do a practice run. I was born half monkey and this continued throughout my life. I like to climb things so I am use to heights. Also, when I moved to NYC I (read my parents) bought me a loft bed. A loft bed is a bunk bed with a desk on the bottom bunk. Very efficient for places with limited space like my old Upper East side apartment. This bed required me to climb a ladder in all stages of sobriety and tiredness. I only bring this up now because my bridge climbing guide was extremely impressed with my climbing ability. She even picked me to go right behind her on the climb. Now this could be because 1. I was alone. 2. She wanted to tap the Pedro Keg. 3. I am a good climber and a teacher’s pet. I’m going to go with 3.
The bridge is over 400ft tall at its top and on a windy day, you can’t hear anything anyone is saying but the best part is that the suits have holes in them so the wind fills them up. As I was talking with my guide Kim she told me that I just missed the Glee Cast who had just done the climb. That’s how my life works. After the climb I went to what passes as a mall to get the groceries and to pick up some Jessica Mauboy. Three of you know who she is because I forced her down your throats but, she is one of my favorite R&B singers. Check her out on youtube: Running Back (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNqJNj3Clf4) and Because (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_3f7kBhElY)
Wednesday brought us to WHITNEY HOUSTAN. Yeah, for some reason Oprah voice doesn’t work in capslock. Ever since Frank Sinatra passed I have had a concert bucket list. I kinda relaxed on it for a while because after Tony Bennett (7 times suckas) I figured I would have time to get to everyone else. Then MJ died and it reminded me – I need to get back to the list. Let’s also face it, Whitney’s had some issues from BAAAAAWWWWWBBBEEEEEE to teaching Oprah how to roll a joint during her “recovery”. In case you missed it, Whit’s been getting blasted for canceling her only show in New Zealand and for a horrendous show in Brisbane so she had a lot riding on Sydney. She is still a force to be reckoned with. The poor lady sounded legitimately sick and not me not wanting to do push ups in 6th grade in front of Caroline Powell sick. They showed clips during the show of her acting career and it made me want to watch the Body Guard again. She also was infected with a diva attitude of the AGES. She stopped her band several times, half sang a few songs, add in a sermon (free of charge) and changed clothes to a crowd that was still in their seats. My sister and I stayed in our seats because since there are only 4 Spanish people in Australia we are kinda stuck representing our race. Think of it like the Jersey Shore kids only real. The thing about it was that when she was on she was ON. I would definitely recommend it just to say you did it.
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