So after some deep meditation and a not so friendly reminder I have decided to do the unthinkable for my trying to do something new in May: I will unplug for a week and see how I go. I know. Some of you are trying to wrap your heads around this blasphemous statement. I would be safer running into the Apple store and say that the iPhone has no clothes than try to unplug.
That is the sick and twisted reason I am doing it.
This week from Monday until Sunday I will be DARK. No Facebook. No Twitter. No Blog. Obviously I will have to use the internet for work and email but now social networking, not even for Linked In. Foursquare though I am not giving up. I know Neda wants my Mayorship too badly.
I have always been plugged in to the net from my days as a wee young lad on the dial up throughout my world travels including the boondocks of the world like Darwin or Christmas Florida. I would walk 3 miles up a hill both ways in Scotland just to make sure that I would be able to read insincere emails with my ex and of course order my comic books online. I am a child of the internet. I am trying to see though if I can be a child of life instead. You know – circa the 1980’s before the emailing and message boards eclipsed boy scouts and riding my bike to Goodings.
I know that this will leave several of you in a lurch. By this I of course mean my mom and Joan McCain. The rest of you will be as affected as the Winslow family was when little Judy went up the stairs never to be seen on Family Matters again. For those of you that care though remember to watch an All New GLEE on Tuesday night at Right after Idol (the live show that can’t end on time). The weirdest thing will be the Song of the Day on my facebook status. For this I apologize and weirdly will provide you with the following songs of the day which I hope will keep you moving through the day:
Monday: For You I Will (Confidence) - Teddy Geiger
Tuesday: You Keep Me Hanging On – GLEE all new Tuesday @ 9/8c on FOX.
Wednesday: The Republic Tigers – Fight Song
Thursday: WTF? – OK Go
Friday: Baby Boombox – The Handcuffs
Saturday: Smells Like Teen Spirit – Nirvana
Sunday: Ticket To Ride – The Beatles
Excluding Glee Tuesday – The rest of these songs were chosen by random by my ever trustworthy iPod.
So be good to each other my internet children. I will return. Feel free to call or text if you miss me.
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