Previously, on the secret life of the Australian Manny… The Angus-Davila household has exceeded its’ internet bandwidth allotment for the month. Valentine’s Day was approaching. After a night out on the town our young Manny was strolling home to look after his young charge.
So after a brief lecture/explanation of the Aussie rules, Troy managed to extend our coverage by 4 Gigs. Now that may seem like a lot to some people, and by some people I mean you non addicted to the Internet type people, but to me that is half an hour and a great Thursday night lineup of TV. So after downloading Grey’s, Grey’s Jr, Buffy v2.0, and Modern Fam I broke the Internet again. Thankfully, this was after my sister had sent massive emails to our family with mucho photos so she once again took the bullet for me. It was like elementary school all over again. Troy has reupped our limit but once again I have been instructed that I cannot and will not be downloading massive amounts of TV shows. Of course this kills me because I must know what happens on Greek, JLA, and Secret Life all of which were new. The Olympics have made my dreams come true because most networks aren’t airing stuff but hopefully this means my gentle readers will forgive me for lack of more photos (although my fb page has new ones) and absences in my daily briefings.
Saturday night continued on with our good friend and resident chef Mandy coming over with her beau to bake me some cupcakes from scratch. Obviously Mandy has been briefed on the way to my heart. We hung out, had some wine, pizza, and of course conversations that aren’t fit for print. Although, I must say that the line of the evening was “too many tats and not enough jail time” coming from Simon describing his encounters with the Australian Homeless Population. It is very rarely stated that I think someone can survive or much less contribute to a Davila Sibling summit but I have a feeling that Simon could handle himself accordingly.
The night turned into Valentine’s Day and a power nap by my sister (aka the Net Nazi) led to a quick posting of a V-Day photo. Originally, I had planned on letting my brother-in-law and sister have a fabulous night out with just their company while I stayed home with my Valentine, La Chupacabra (Para los Gringos http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chupacabra). I forgot a key fact in my sister’s life: she hates Valentine’s Day.
I have searched my data banks and I have no clue as too why she hates the holiday because she has always had good ones but thankfully her hubby hates it too. I on the other hand had a long string of V-Day success that was tragically broken in 2007 and still riding the single train to my Little Miss Sunshine 401k. The thing being that I still love Valentine’s Day. Yes, I know it isn’t a “real” holiday. I understand that it was created to peddle flowers and cheap wares but I love the concept of people that normally aren’t romantic having to express their feelings. Think about it – Valentine’s Day is the musical of holidays and musicals fill me with GLEE. My sister took me out to get a mani/pedi and then we just stayed home but it was still a great day with a poo filled diaper.
Monday was a bit harder. You see our young charge has decided that her schedule blows. It was a pretty productive day though with a doctor’s visit, a trip to the grocery store, shoe shopping, AND a beach walk but man did the kid make us pay. It was during our beach walk and in between Skype sessions with our parents and 2/3rds of our brothers that I made my February resolution. For those of you keeping score my New Year’s resolutions were the following: read one critically acclaimed book a month and do one new resolution a month. January’s resolution was this blog. February’s is simple – stop caring about people that don’t care about you.
Now I am not going to go all Sue Hawk or anything but I am done making an effort with former flames that aren’t real friends, friends that are more like acquaintances, and crushes that don’t realize that what they are looking for is throwing themselves at them. I have instead decided to date me. I will be buying myself stuff, making dates for myself (trapeze school), and taking myself out to nice dinners. Life is too short to pine over people that don’t realize you are alive.
Monday led to Tuesday and that brought a whole new string of adventures and a baby that even though she was crabby was a dream baby. But that is an adventure for another day. Love all and serve all.
I hope you know that you will also be going out on many a date with me.
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