Celebrate the small moments. My sister is a constant over achiever in life. She will refute this statement which is fine and expected. It has never been enough to just do something she has to do it well or as the best and quiet frankly it can be annoying. I on the other hand have developed more of a balance toward celebrating small achievements and going toward larger goals. This may however explain why she is $uccessful working in finance in Australia with a gorgeous husband and baby while, I toil at a successful career in advertising with a gorgeous bar and full DVR.
Although the original intent of this was to document every day with my life lessons I have been set a drift with my sister into desperate housewifedom. I personally am enjoying the journey. Day 4 taught me to celebrate the small achievements in life which here are smaller than even I expected. For example I know it is going to be a good day if we can get the nugget down for her 9 AM nap without the pacifier and my sister and I have taken a shower, brushed our teeth, and had coffee. Seriously, Mormon mommies how do you do it without coffee?
My sister has this book that has become our guide to surviving the baby. We have pretty much developed a schedule that spares me from the first part of the day (aka the 5 AM feeding). My day begins with 7:30 AM. I move all of our supplies for the day to the main room while mommy and baby sleep. Mommy has referred to herself as a cow with the countless feedings. Baby (whom I now refer to as Chupacabra)gets fed and then we do spin class. This is when I play with her feet in a circular motion to help build them up. We peddle for one song and then we move to fist pumps. She does not like either of these things which leads me to believe her gym career will mirror mine more than her parents. Then it is nap time for her gym time for Mommy and dishes para Tio. The rest of the day is a blur until 4PM when we have our outing. This could be a walk on the beach or just going to the grocery store. Either way it is exciting. This is when I finally talk to to my sister which is odd considering we spend all day together but we never speak about anything of substance until 4.
Bullet points for everything else:
My wallet is missing and has been for 3 days. It was last used in the living room to feed my comic book addiction. My Sister thinks it is Heavenly Father's way of telling me to quit.
I miss Shirt Tales - You know the 80's cartoon show with the animals that had tee shirts that changed with their moods or thoughts. I wish someone would invent those now considering that I am not as good of a detective as parents need to be.
My sister is Batwoman. She always know what is going on with the baby to a scary degree. I have only been in sync with one other person in my life like that and find it fascinating that my sister can do it with someone that can't talk.
Australia makes me feel bad about myself. Not in a 5th Ave Abercrombie Store way but in a they have droughts and water shortages way and my daily vice is a long hot shower(when I remember).
Poo is my highlight. For some reason when the baby goes poo we get REALLY excited. Like touchdown at the Superbowl happy. So you can imagine our happiness when she pooed so much she overflowed the diaper.
I burned myself trying to heat up a bottle and it was awesome in a way that wasn't.
We all take turns cooking. I, of course, only know how to make omelettes.
Allegedly, it is too soon for the baby to have a personality but THEY ARE WRONG. This baby is a mischievous little bugger. For example, I changed her diaper the other day and it was soaked as I grabbed the new diaper and cleaned her off I left her for a second without closing the diaper so that I could wipe her down. So of course she starts to wee trying to get uncle. BUT I HAVE PRACTICE YOU WOOD NYMPH. She did not get me that time. Today though, after changing a poo diaper I was so happy that I picked her up for a second without a diaper and she decided to desecrate my Superman tee shirt by weeing. You won that round baby. You won that round.
Lastly, I am throwing this up there without any form of editing so you can see how scattered I truly am right now. I know there has been more funny (like my sister drying dirty clothes)but the days just blur. Welcome to the neighborhood.
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