Well gentle readers the case of the missing wallet has been SOLVED. You see my wallet was found on the side street near our daily walk about and then turned in to a police station over an hour away. My gentle and faithful readers (hi Ali and Mom)know that my wallet went missing on day two of this trip. For the longest time we thought it was just in the house that baby owns. Especially, since there was no card activity or anything and I hate carrying cash.
One day we did the circuit at all of our shops and asked all of them if they had found it. At one point this achingly beautiful little shop girl told us to ring the police because when she lost her wallet that is where it turned up. We paid no attention to her because 1. she was too pretty (even by my Aussie blonde standards) and 2. she was too pretty.
Weirdly that night when I went to watch LOST I couldn't buy the new episode because iTunes had a problem accessing my credit card. I of course flipped out and rang my Dad to get his so that I could watch LOST. After I got what I wanted from Dad I just kept motoring on. Finally, last Sunday my sister (more so than I) decided hey maybe I should be an adult about all of this and cancel my cards. At the last minute I also called the police station and sure enough I had a VICTIM number. That is right gentle reader I am a vicitm!
We made arrangements to pick up the wallet and that is when we got the police report. It was actually a nice place as police departments go. Officer Nagy was helpful and got all my stuff back to me (although he was not predesposed to taking a picture with me or letting me take a picture in the station for you all to see.) Over all a pleasant experience was had by none. At least I finally got to go to jail on this island of criminals.
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